The goal of this exercise is to deploy your previously built Docker image automatically to the AWS Elastic Container Service : ECS.
This diagram shows how ECS works :
First, deploy an ECS cluster with CloudFormation from the following template (and add it to your repo):
- ecs-cluster.yaml
Choose the default Security Group, VPC and 2 Subnets.
You can find these info in the AWS console : EC2 & VPC parts.
Parameters can be passed to the CF Stack using the--parameter-overrides
You may also need to use--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
in order to allow the stack to create the roles.
Add the following file to your repository. Try to understand each part of it.
Use the TaskDefinition above to deploy your docker image in ECS
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ecs-task.yaml --stack-name ecs-task --parameter-overrides<your-docker-id>/yncrea-hellomicro:sha-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) --no-fail-on-empty-changeset
Use a web browser and try to access the EC2 running the container public URI on port 8080 !
You can find the URI by browsing the AWS Console to EC2 Service > Select you instance > Public DNS (IPv4)
Congratulation, you deployed your Docker image in ECS and can access your API through the Web !
Next step for Production would be to have a LoadBalancer in front of this ...
Extend your Github flow accordingly.
Congratulation, you are now able to Continuously Deliver Docker images !
Followup Exercise
Checkout the two links below and modifiy your ECS cluster to be backed up by a Public Load Balancer & Target Group :
Verify all is working fine by going to you Public Load Balancer URL (Public DNS Name) on port 8080.
Be careful to update the templates to uses your existing VPC, Subnets, Security Groups etc ... instead of creating new ones as they do in the template !
Also, you need to add a LoadBalancer Listener & Rule on port 8080 to redirect calls to our micro service to the right Target Group.