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CloudFormation with Github Actions - CD

This exercise is building up on AWS Lab and Github Actions Lab parts.

The goal of this exercise is to automate the deployment of AWS resources once a change to the master branch of a repository occured.

To achieve this:

  • We are first going to work with the cloudformation.yaml file from previous lab.


    If you did followup exercise to create the EC2 instance backed with the AutoScaling group, you can use the generated yaml instead.

  • Extend your Github Workflow to deploy your stack automatically.
    The most flexible way is to use the embedded aws cli inside the ubuntu image running our actions.

    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file src/infra/cloudformation.yaml --stack-name <your-login>-stack


    Don't forget to configure the AWS CLI before.


    Congratulation, you are able to deploy an IaC automaticaly using Github Actions !